Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Exploring all the scenarios

A brief note to let the tens and tens of Crief Case fans know about one of the side projects I'm involved in. It's a new publication called SCENARIO, and it will feature it's first published hard copy of the magazine on March 1. It aims to return journalism back to the center, where it can be free from left or right political punditry muddying the waters. It's aim is to talk about important issues that the main stream media on both sides refuses to talk about.

The website launched officially today, so check it out the new homepage of SCENARIO Magazine.

And to see a link to my first article, about the need for an overhauling of the Electoral College, click this link.

More to come...

1 comment:

rednikki said...

Dude, that's totally awesome. I'm pretty sure I'm to the left of where you are, but I also feel strongly that we need something that's more centrist. There's way too much name-calling and irrationality on both sides. (Google "Abortion Donuts" for more.)

I haven't yet read your Electoral College story, but I'd like to refer you to this article on Range Voting from MIT's Technology Review:
It's a really fascinating article on why our current voting methods suck, and uses charts, graphs and numbers to establish what would be the most effective system. I think you'll find it an interesting read.