Tuesday, November 13, 2007

bricks in the wall


and after...

This past weekend, Mike Rhoads and I met up with Jason Krute and our foreman, the formidable Elliot Cook, to tear down 5 cubicles at Mahalo World Headquarters. It was quite an effort, but it was also very exhilierating to do some manual labor. Just thought I'd share the photos with you (taken by Mike's iPhone). Special thanks to Juan and A.J. for helping us with waste removal.

Now, onto two other brief but important items:

1. I've started writing about one of my passions, college football, for an up-and-coming website called "Football Gameplan". You see a link to my first article where I break down the Heisman Trophy hopefuls at this link:


and be sure to check out all the other great features relating to the great sport of football!

2. Y'all are just going to love this. Our new Mahalo feature is called "Mahalo Daily" a 4 times a week podcast hosted by former C-NET icon Veronica Belmont. The one in question is a mock infomercial for a real travel product called "Dopplr". Watch for special appearances by Lon "Crushed by Inertia" Harris, Travis and Sara from Mahalo, Tyler (in disguise), and....drum roll please...MEEEEEEEEEEEE! See for yourself:

Mahalo Daily featuring me

Enjoy! See you at the Oscars!

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