Wednesday, March 3, 2010

NHL Trade Deadline TODAY

The 2010 NHL Trade Deadline is today, and for the third straight year, I'll be involved in helping to live blog about the day.  I've returned to Mahalo, as some of you may know, in a role as a buzz reporter.  Well in sports, few things create more buzz than trade talk.

My buddy Angie Marie will be leading the Mahalo coverage of the deadline, which you can follow all day at this link:

During the day, I'll be posting commentary on the deals get done, and the ones that likely won't.  Then later today, I'll write a commentary piece on, in my role as the LA Kings Examiner, looking at the day that was for the Kings in specificity, and the league in general.

Hockey fans are still buzzing about that tremendous game from Sunday between Canada and the United States.  But we know what that's like every June, don't we?  Enjoy the day puck heads...

Posted via web from jonmahalo's posterous

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